Friday, August 7, 2009

thinking inward

I was thinking trying to put pen to paper or finger to key and my mind wandered to well I guess a medical waste facility in Melbourne sounds weird? I was thinking about adenoids or to be more specific my adenoids

When I was little I was deaf well I was unable to hear there’s a slight difference in my case my ears worked fine that is to say the unit the ear drum and stuff worked fine it was the other stuff around it that was broken I had to have an adenoidectomy which is basically where they scrape away a piece of flesh from the very top of your throat or technically the very bottom of your sinus where the two meet the adenoid is there to stop bacteria being ingested but some times (in my case) the adenoid works too well and it creates a back log of bacteria that travels up to the middle ear and causes infections

That was me chronic ear infections “glue ear” the internet tells me any way they put grommets in my ears which after looking it up on line is both cool and creepy grommets go in the ear drum to drain fluid puss and blood and to let air into the middle ear

I wasn’t actually sure what a grommet was but I now know it’s a little plastic tube thing I now know what my mum means when she said “Roberts grommets fell out” I used to think grommets were something like ear wax I don’t know why I just did

Any way all those thoughts got me thinking about my medical history I’ve been under the knife only a few times I had my adenoids out and grommets put in I was circumcised I had a wedge resection and a full nail bed removal on my right big toe and that’s really it as far a surgery goes other wise physically I’m healthy as a horse

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