Thursday, December 3, 2009

tips to curb Writers block

1 start writing a blog this helps you free associate
2 make sure your human needs are met if you need to go to the loo or are thursty or hungry you’re going to focus on those things instead of your work (also if your horny all your gonna think about is sex)
3 take a shower/bath I do some of my best thinking in the shower and bath tub
4 make a play list this is really helpful especially if your trying to set a tone
5 absorb different types of media read magazines read books look at art online watch movies if your doing a genre piece read/watch things from that genre
6 background noise put a movie you know all the lines too one that you’ve seen millions of time it makes great back ground noise I find that some time the worst thing you can have is complete silence
7 find reference tools reference tools are key
     some of my reference tools :
           Web sites that give you baby names and there meanings
           Schotts original miscellany
8 make a scrap book of cool pictures they have to be things you think are cool
9 doodle … doodling often leads to logo and tattoo design
10 get some sleep taking a twenty minuet nap can revitalise you
11 write down all your ideas in a book or in a word document you can come back and use them later
12 start in the middle and write what you can where you can
13 there’s no such thing as the spelling police remember the second draft is for spell checking
14 never hate the work if you’ve spent so much time on something that you’re starting to resent it move on and come back to it later
15 use symbol keys instead of names if you can’t think of a good character name then skip it and put in a @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) = + this lets you get on with the work then when you’ve finished or when you’ve picked a name you can just ctrl+H and change the symbol to the persons name

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